
Mon, 06/07/2021 - 11:31

Coalitions Booster Sessions

From the 18th to the 27th of May, the Coalitions for Impact Booster Sessions for Iraq, Lebanon, Tunisia and Jordan took place, organised by Society Impact and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. An initiative to catalyse public-private collaboration and co-creation for social impact in the focus countries Iraq, Lebanon, Tunisia and Jordan. During these sessions - with more than 100 organisations taking part-  we explored potential avenues of common interest and endeavoured to identify contours of collaborative forces. The societal challenges faced within the local context of the focus countries ask for innovative public-private partnerships based on sustainable business cases, now more than ever before.

A wide spectrum of organisations ranging from public institutions, corporates, social enterprises, NGO’s, knowledge institutions, philanthropist to social impact funds participated in conversations on contributing to societal resilience in the focus countries by sharing relevant experiences, valuable insights and perspectives. This input forms the foundation on which Coalitions for Impact will further explore potential future coalitions. On this page we will post relevant developments and furthermore look for innovative ways to come together and catalyse partnerships.

Does your organisation want to contribute to societal resilience in the focus countries Iraq, Lebanon, Tunisia and/or Jordan?  Do not hesitate to reach out; we will gladly connect and start the conversation with you.

In the upcoming weeks we will take this valuable input and attempt to identify outlines of new public-private Coalitions for Impact. So stay tuned!

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